Ciara 4th December 2015

As I light my candle now at 10.15, on Friday 4th December. I remember Jay Murray with gratitude, although my heart is heavy, today I remember some 20 odd years ago, when Mr Murray collected my self and Lou form Shannon College, we had just received confirmation that we would be graduating with our class, after attending some gruelling interviews, Lou and I were on a high to say the least. We set about our 4 hour journey back to Dublin (before motorways in Ireland) and I immediately began to give my opinions on the hotel industry particularly in UK at the time, Although Mr Murray (I referred to him as Mr Murray then) had opinions of his own....not only did he validate what I had to say, which was high praise indeed. But he then proceeded to ask me my opinion. You can learn a lot from a conversation, and that day I learned that what I had to say counted. Thank you for your validation Mr Murray